Let’s talk real estate

Join the social network powered by real estate consumers.

Build a creative profile of your home.
Connect directly to buyers & sellers.
Share with anyone, anytime.
No broker or membership fees. Ever.

Your home has a story.

Now you can turn it
into home value.

62% of Millennials say homebuying makes them cry.

It’s tough out there. High prices, rising mortgage rates, low inventory. Pain for buyers. Pain for sellers. Why go it alone?

Homesy is the real estate revolution that starts with

Join the community that’s all about supporting your search, buy or sell, in-market or just looking.

Claim your home and take control of your home data. Profile every room. Edit the public record. Talk up your home in real time. Get the right price, buy or sell. Keep your broker (if you want), but connect to your network for real-time real estate.

Social real estate.
Let’s do this.

So old fashioned.

  • No detail, reach, differentiation

  • Can’t be edited

  • Inaccurate, biased

  • Not made for comps

  • Create captive agent relationships

It’s about the rooms.
All of them.

Searching MLS sites or Zillow for your next home or to get comps? Good luck getting the details you need. Most sites only give you the total count of bedrooms and baths — no data or details for living rooms, kitchens, basements, attics, cellars, home offices, theaters, gyms or all the appliances, amenities (windows, closets, tech) inside them.

primary bedroom



dream it

kids room

mud room




home office




dream it

home office



dream it




dream it

primary bedroom kitchen basement dream it kids room mud room closet deck porch home office tech attic cellar dream it home office nursery garage dream it windows flooring HVAC dream it

Before you price your home or start shlepping to see homes with brokers

Get the apples-to-apples details and data from the community of buyers and sellers on the ground. With Homesy, the details that matter are just a swipe away.

Do real estate differently.

Create the digital home of your home.

Connect directly to buyers & sellers in the feed

Build detailed profiles of your home, swipe room to room

Capture details of every room including amenities

community = context

visibility = value

access = inclusion

Dream it, share it.

Grab images of homes and rooms from websites, magazines, or your phone.
Share with anyone — friends, brokers, contractors, designers — everywhere.

Don’t go it alone.
Make home buying social.

Social real estate,
for real

Homesy help?